Jun 22, 2017 | News, Photos, Programs, Scholarships
On June 4, 2017, the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates honored 24 students, their families and their counselors at the Los Verdes Golf Course.
Outstanding high school graduates represented Palos Verdes, PV Peninsula, Phineas Banning, Port of Los Angeles, and San Pedro High Schools. Continuing scholars represented: Boston University; Washington College; Marymount California University; Northeastern University; Ohio State University; and West Virginia University. Awards are based upon academic achievement, service and “heart.” In addition to a monetary award (which may continue throughout undergraduate and into graduate work), the club offers year-round support and mentoring for these future leaders.
Special awards were presented to student leaders in Key Club and in KIWINS. Nathanial Pereira, President of the Palos Verdes Peninsula KIWINS Club was honored for his service to the Palos Verdes and greater South Bay community. Huy Nguyen, President of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Key Club, was recognized for his outreach and service to the campus and greater South Bay community and his sponsorship of fund raising events, for the Pediatric Trauma Program, with other South Bay Key Clubs. Both Nathan and Huy have engaged their members to support all of the projects of the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates. Nathan will attend California State University, Long Beach in preparation for a graduate professional doctorate program in physical therapy. Huy will study Electronic System Engineering Technology at Cal Poly Pomona.
Scholarship Applications are available every February at www.kiwanisclubrhe.org/scholarships/.
Jan 23, 2017 | News, Programs, Scholarships
It’s that time of year again!
As high school seniors are getting anxious for their school year to end, they are also getting excited about completing scholarship applications, with the hopes of easing the financial burden of their college educations.
Students like Frances Lee – a recipient of one of the Foundation’s 2016 scholarships – credits Key Club as a learning platform on how to stand up for what she strongly believes in. Read more from Frances.
Even though scholarship recipients like Frances find our scholarships extremely valuable, the number of scholarship applications we receive has significantly decreased. In attempt to reverse this trend, we ask that you volunteer your time-or ask your SLP advisor-to assist a Student Leadership Program student in completing the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation Scholarship Application. Learn more about our scholarships.
Scholarship applications must be submitted online by February 13th to be considered for judging. Your immediate attention to this request would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all the support your Kiwanis club provides to our Service Leadership Programs. Our young people represent the very best of our Kiwanis world.
With warm regards,
Bob Erikson
SLP Scholarship Committee Chair
KIWIN’S and Key Club Scholarship Application | Circle K Scholarship Application
Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation | 8360 Red Oak St., Ste. 201, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Jan 23, 2017 | News, Programs, Prosthetic Hands
On Sunday January 22nd three Peninsula High Key Club members completed the refurbishment of ten children’s prosthetic hands at the PVNET Technology Center.
The ten hands will be donated to the Enable Community Foundation. The Foundation distributed the hands both nationally and internationally to needy children.
If you like to request a prosthetic hand for a needy child please click here www.pvnet.com/prosthetic-hand.
Dec 3, 2016 | Boys & Girls Club Christmas Party, News, Programs
On Saturday, December 3rd the Kiwanis Club of Rolling His Estates held their annual Christmas party for the needy children in our community. Fifty children from the Harbor Boys and Girls Club and the Volunteers of America attended the party at the Boys and Girls Club in Harbor City. The children ranged in age from 5 t0 8 years.
In keeping with the Club’s mission of giving a hand up and not a hand out the children started off with making a present for their parents or a friend as a way of giving back for the present that they will be receiving. Two items were constructed, a Christmas bell and a tree ornament.
After handcrafting their presents, the children sat down for a lunch of pizza and fried chicken. Just as they were finishing, Santa Claus arrived with Mrs. Claus and an elf to hand out presents. As each child’s name was called he or she went up to Santa Claus for a gift.
Supporting Santa were ten Key Club and KIWIS from Peninsula High School and thirteen Kiwanians.
Oct 25, 2016 | News, Photos, Programs
On Saturday, October 22nd nineteen young adults from the three local high schools, Peninsula, Palos Verdes and Mary Star, met at the Palos Verdes on the Net (PVNet) Education & Technology Center in the Promenade Mall, Rolling Hills Estates and assembled ten prosthetic hands as a one day Kiwanis project. The students were all members of one of the Kiwanis on campus service clubs, the Key Club or the KIWINS.
The project was developed in an association with the Kiwanis and PVNet, a 22 year old established emerging technology center. PVNet fabricated the parts and provided the facilities for the project.
The prosthetic hands will be donated to Enable Community Foundation who will than distribute the hands to needy children. The Enable Community Foundation is a nonprofit corporation created to deploy innovations for people with limb differences.
Each hand required twelve different part types to be fabricated using the 3-D printing technology manufacturing process. To make up one hand a total of thirty one parts were required. This meant that PVNet had to 3D print a total of 310 parts to make up the ten prosthetic hands. PVNet began printing prosthetic hands in 2015 as science project for one of its interns, Eric Chen.
Prior to assembling the parts, Kiwanis members, Herb Stark and Marty Dodell inspected the parts and removed any remaining flashing resulting from the manufacturing process. This was done to insure that each part would fit properly during assembly. The parts for each hand were than kitted and packed into individual kits ready for assembly by students. On the day of the project, ten work spaces, including tools, were setup at PVNet.
Good partnerships such as this create opportunities for youth to gain confidence and experience by contributing positively to society. It also demonstrates not only the need for youth STEM education, but also delivers the opportunity to combine education with community service where the outcome measurably improves the lives of those in need.
In case there is any doubt, just ask Ryan, the 7 year old boy who received one of the PVNet’s prosthetic hands.

Sep 13, 2016 | Photos, Programs, Project Shoe
Each year the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates hosts a children’s school shoe party. This year Project Shoe was held on September 10th at the local Payless Shoe Store in Torrance.
The children are from the local Boys and Girls Club, ranging in age from 5 and 7 years, and come from the low socioeconomic families in our community. Each child is provided with a new pair of school shoes and a backpack filled with school supplies.
This year 89 children participated in the program. After receiving their shoes and backpack the children were entertained with music and dancing. Kiwanis and high school Key club members, along with staff from the local Payless Shoe store, assisted the children in selecting the shoes.