Jun 21, 2018 | News, Programs, Scholarships
The Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates values academic achievement, service and “heart” in selection of scholarship recipients. A perfect grade point average is not required. For 20 years, the student AND their parent(s) or guardian have been honored at the annual Scholarship Awards Celebration. Among the recipients are Continuing Kiwanis Scholars who achieve in academics, service, and “heart” throughout their undergraduate experience.
This year, high school seniors from Palos Verdes HS, Palos Verdes Peninsula HS, Phineas Banning HS, San Pedro HS, and Mary Star of the Sea HS were honored. Continuing scholars represented; CSU Dominguez Hills; the Fashion Institute of Design and Marketing; Marymount California University; Stanford University; and West Virginia University.
The Kiwanis of RHE Scholar Hall of Fame includes graduates of MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UC Los Angeles, USC, Georgetown, Columbia, Pepperdine and other top tier universities across the nation. The scholars’ resumes reflect their early achievement and contributions in engineering, science, medicine and rehabilitation professions (including physical therapy and nursing), social work, government, diplomacy and in the arts.
For further information please go to www.kiwanisclubrhe.org.
Scholarship Committee: Joyce Campbell, Richard Sherman, and Laurie Younggren.

2018 Kiwanis Club of RHE Scholarship Program recipients
Mar 30, 2018 | Programs, Scholarships
Continuing scholar questions or communication should be directed to Dr. Joyce Campbell [email protected].
If you would like to donate to the Kiwanis Scholarship Fund click here for the Kiwanis of RHE General Donation Application.
Dec 12, 2017 | Boys & Girls Club Christmas Party, News, Programs
On December 9th the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates held their annual Christmas party at the Boys and Girls Club in Harbor City. Fifty children from the Boys and Girls Club and Volunteers of America participated in the event. Ken Dyda, City Councilman of Rancho Palos Verdes and past mayor acted as Santa Claus.
In keeping with the Kiwanis Club mission of giving the children a hand up and not a hand out, and to instill this in the children at this early age, presents were constructed as a gift for their families as part of the program.
Prior to receiving their gifts the children were treated to a lunch of pizza and fried chicken.
Supporting the program were Key Club high school students from Peninsula and Palos Verdes High.
Oct 29, 2017 | News, Photos, Prosthetic Hands
On October 28, 2017 the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates held their second annual project to assemble 12 prosthetic hands. The prosthetic hands will be donated to a nonprofit organization for distribution to needy children that have lost their fingers as a result of birth or injury.
The components were manufactured by Palos Verdes on the Net (PVNeT) a nonprofit technology center using 3D printing. Sixteen Kiwanis Key Club high school students assembled the hands. The students were from the three local high schools, Peninsula, Palos Verdes and Mary Star.
The Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates joins the global network of passionate volunteers using 3D printing to help children, giving them a “Helping Hand” where medical care is hard to find and where owning a traditional prosthetic device is nothing but a dream.
Sep 10, 2017 | Photos, Programs, Project Shoe
On Saturday September 9th the Kiwanis of RHE held their annual Project Shoe Program at the local Payless Shoe Store in Torrance. Ninety one pairs of school shoes, backpacks and school supplies were given out to children from the Boys and Girls clubs, Volunteers of America and children from military families.
What makes this program unique is that the children learned that this was not a handout but a hand up. Each child was asked to do a task at home in return for receiving the shoes and school supplies.
The children were able to have drinks and snacks as they waited for their turn to receive their shoes. To round out the program there was music and dancing.
High school students from the Kiwanis Key Clubs and KIWINS help the children select their shoes.
We would like to thank Walgreens, Big 5 and Staples for the backpacks, and Costco and Ralphs for the snacks as well as the many sponsors who financially supported the program and Payless Shoe Store who hosted the program.