Sep 27, 2015 | Photos, Project Shoe
On September 19, 2015 the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates and PV Peninsula High School Key Club & Kiwins gathered at PayLess Shoe Source in Torrance to provide new school shoes for a group of children from VOA of Harbor City & B&GC of LA Harbor. Click photo to view slides.
Sep 8, 2014 | Programs, Project Shoe
On September 6th the Kiwanis of Rolling Hills Estates held their Project Shoe program at the local Torrance Payless Shoe Store. Ninety one children from the Volunteers of America, Harbor, Wilmington, and South Bay Boys and Girls Clubs participated in the program. The boys and girls ranged from 5 to 10 years of age.
Each child received a new pair of school shoes, a backpack or bag containing school supplies. While they were waiting for their shoes there were snacks, music and dancing. Eleven Key Club and Kiwins from the Palos Verdes Peninsula High Schools assisted the children in selecting the shoes.
At the conclusion of the event the children are given a lesson so that they realize the value of the shoes. We ask the children to do something helpful, like helping with a meal or cleaning up a room, for their family in return for receiving the shoes.
Sep 1, 2014 | Project Shoe
Please come early to the meeting on September 4th to help with the backpack preparation. Saturday, September 6th, plan to arrive early to help with set up at Payless Shoes.
Whether you are experienced or you have never helped children select school shoes, you will love this opportunity!
The children cherish the shopping, the food and the entertainment provided by Evelyn and Tony. Ken Dyda will send them home on a mission to “pay it forward.”
Jul 24, 2014 | Programs, Project Shoe

And we even hired a Clown!
Mark your calendar for Project Shoe on Saturday, September 6th at 8 am.
Join the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates, and Payless Shoe Source, as we provide school supplies, shoes and socks, and toothbrushes and toothpaste to approximately one hundred deserving children.
Kid friendly entertainment will be provided as volunteers help children choose and get fitted for new shoes for the new school year.
We also teach the kids gratitude and an understanding of the sacrifice others made for them to receive their gifts along with asking them to do a chore to pay for it!
In-kind donations of school supplies, socks, toothbrushes, and toothpaste are appreciated.
Payless Shoe Source
20020 Hawthorne Blvd.
(in the mall at Hawthorne & Del Amo Blvds.)
Aug 24, 2012 | Photos, Programs, Project Shoe
Project Shoe is courtesy of the Kiwanis Club, Payless Shoe Source, our Sponsors Vons Foundation, PV Family Medical Group and PV Dermatology, and the Palos Verdes Library District.