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On December 6th, the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates held their annual Christmas party at the Boys & Girls Club in Harbor City. Fifty five eight year olds from the Boys & Girls Club and Volunteers of America were treated to Santa, pizza, chicken, presents, gift making for their families, music and in general a great time.
The gift making for their families is in concert with the philosophy of giving back rather than just getting. There were fifteen Key Club members and ten KIWINS members from Peninsula and Palos Verdes High School there to help with the gift making and assist with activities associated with the event.
D. J. Tony Aguilar provided Christmas music as he kindly does every year and the gift making project was headed up by Evelyn Salinas and Joan Davidson. Santa was played by Ben Carter. Santa’s wife was played by Joanie Keluche and Mona Dill was in her Elf costume.